WWWTEACHING is a proud part of SHIKSHA, established in 2007. Our mission is to enhance educational access and learning opportunities for everyone. By partnering with philanthropic foundations and collaborating with other educational resource companies, we are dedicated to breaking down the most common barriers to learning. We believe that everyone deserves access to knowledge.
We’ve grown to offer a full suite of professional development tools and services to schools. We’ve worked with thousands of educators through wwwTeaching, Workshops, 1:1 Coaching, and Learning Walks to support their development of the next generation of students both in school and beyond.
wwwTEACHING is committed to develop qualified teachers and empowering institutions.
Our mission is to support every educator and institution in developing the next generation of resourceful, compassionate, and resilient learners.
We provide high-quality, peer-reviewed college textbooks that are available online for free and at a low cost in print. Additionally, we conduct cutting-edge learning research and offer interactive curriculum tools for educators and learners.
What We Do
- Study Material & Lesson Plans: Tailored resources for teachers.
- Test Yourself: Tools to assess learning progress.
- Subject Notes & Question Banks: Comprehensive materials for students.
- Mentor Placement: Providing qualified teachers to schools.
- Tuition Services: Personalized support for students.